Scuba diving is an amazing sport to us, humans, but what does the marine life think about us invading their habitat? Is it amazing for the fish and corals? Not always. It isn't easy to admit, but it's the truth: we often negatively impact the marine flora and fauna.
MYRYAME, 10 Tips to be a Responsible Scuba Diver
Diver Stress & Rescue

Diver Stress & Rescue Stress is a major cause of diving accidents and negatively impacts rescue situations. This program teaches you the skills and knowledge required to recognize and deal with stress, prevent accidents and properly deal with emergency situations encountered by divers. You will earn the SSI Diver Stress and Rescue Specialty certification after completing this program.

Pret:  400  EURO
* Toate taxele incluse.
** Plata se face in lei la cursul BNR din ziua platii.

Diver Stress & Rescue

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Trimiterea acestui formular nu creeaza nicio obligatie de plata ci reprezinta interesul dumneavoastra pentru cursul de scufundari Diver Stress & Rescue. Informatiile transmise prin intermediul acestui formular sunt folosite exclusiv pentru furnizarea informatiilor privitoare la serviciile scuba. Prin trimiterea formularului acceptati Termenii si Conditiile.


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